Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
For years, it has been the most popular economic university in Poland. This is mainly due to the staff and curriculum, but also the climatic location.

About university

All of the university’s buildings are located near Komandorska Street. The Wrocław Główny train station and the Market Square are within reach of a free city bike ride. You don’t have to waste time commuting, because lectures and lessons are held in one place; dormitories and a swimming pool are also nearby. At this university you can practice learning in practice. UEWroc offers interesting fields of study and numerous scientific circles dealing with issues, including management, logistics, banking. You can also study under the guidance of tutors and business practitioners, taking part in the Business Individual Study Program.

Fields of study

- Bachelor Studies in Polish and English (1st degree)
- Master Studies in Polish and English (2nd degree).

Application schedule
1.Compile the required documents.
2. Create an account in the recruitment system according to the recruitment schedule for foreigners.
3. Attach a photo file: 3.5 x 4.5 cm necessary for a student ID card – format as for a passport.
4. Include an e-mail address for direct contact with the candidate for the duration of the recruitment.
Note: important information regarding the start of the academic year will also be sent to this address.
5. Fill in all the data under My Account → Personal forms (first name, last name, date and place of birth as in the passport). In the Education section, enter data on education documents without attaching files here.
Candidates for undergraduate studies, in the field Edit exam results, select the three required qualifying subjects from the secondary school certificate (without entering the results).
6. Select a field of study from the offer – “Enroll”. To enroll in the selected direction, you need to complete the required data and attach scans of all required documents (PDF files) in the system. To do this, prepare a file with a scan of each document from the list. Note: one document is one file.
In the case of multi-page documents, you should:
- scan each page of a given document,
- combine all the scans of the pages of a given document into one file.The prepared file should be saved in PDF format and attached in the place indicated in the system (New Recruitment Application section). You should do so with all required documents. Attached documents must meet the conditions described in the “Required Documents” tab. Note: scans of poor quality and in the wrong format will not be considered.
7. After enrolling in the course, you must pay the enrollment fee of 85 PLN to the individual billing account indicated in the system: tab My account → Payments. In the title of the transfer, please write the Candidate’s name and the name of the major. The recruitment fee is non-refundable.
8. If the documents uploaded by the Candidate meet all the requirements and the enrollment fee is paid, the Candidate will receive a message from enrolment@ue.wroc.pl with a request to pay the tuition fee for the first semester of study (payment for the entire year of study is also possible). The e-mail will provide the bank account number for the payment.
9. A scan of the proof of payment for the first semester should be sent by return e-mail to the Recruitment Committee at the indicated address: enrolment@ue.wroc.pl In the title of the message, please write your name from your passport with a note: tuition for the first semester.
10. Upon receipt of proof of payment, the Recruitment Committee will issue a certificate of enrollment to the foreigner. A scan of the certificate will be sent as an attachment to the Candidate’s account in the recruitment system (available in the Messages). The original will be delivered by traditional mail to the address indicated in the system. Note: the address must include the postal code.
A candidate who has been qualified for admission on the basis of scans of documents must deliver to the University, according to the schedule, the originals of all documents, the required photocopies and sworn translations into Polish. Sworn translations must not be made from scans, photocopies, etc., but from originals. Documents must be translated after obtaining legalization/apostille.
NOTE: Under Recruitment Applications → Documents and Next Steps, four additional documents must be downloaded, printed and signed: Personal Questionnaire, Enrollment Application, Oath and Affidavit and attach to the set of documents.
In the case of underage candidates, the Affidavit is signed by the candidate and the parent (or legal guardian).
Failure to submit documents by the date specified in the recruitment schedule will result in a decision of non-admission.
In case of doubt, please contact enrolment@ue.wroc.pl
Candidates interested in a place in a student house can contact the Department of Student Houses.
Required documents
- Bachelor’s degree – the list of documents
- Master’s degree – the list of documents
Bachelor and Master full-time/part-time | Polish | 5 850 PLN/semester |
Bachelor and Master full-time/part-time | English | 6 950 PLN/semester |
- ENROLMENT FEE: 85 PLN for each chosen program. Enrolment fee is not refundable.

Enrolment Office
Wrocław University
of Economics and Business
Recruitment Office, bud. Z
ul. Komandorska 118/120
53-345 Wrocław
e-mail: enrolment@ue.wroc.pl
tel. +48 795 418 615 – only for foreign candidates